Zooqle: It offers an extensive content library with features like RSS Feed and my Subscription.EZTV: A popular torrent site for archived TV shows that shows several ads to the users.1337x: It has a similar interface to Netflix and is lightweight and easy to use and navigate.YTS: It has the best movie content library and allows instant downloading.RARBG: It has an extensive content library, but ads might ruin your experience.Limetorrents: It hosts files from other sources and doesn’t log users’ IP address details.Kickass: It has an online community of 165,000+ members and a vast content catalog.The Pirate Bay: It is the king of torrenting sites and uses a skull system to identify the uploaded files.

The mentioned below are the best torrent websites that are still available to access and download your favorite 4k Movies, Games, Series, and Books: Quick List Several torrent websites exist on the internet, but only a few are reliable. A quick Overview of the best Torrent sites That Offer 4k movies, Games, Movies, and TV Shows